St. Luke's Carpool Portal

Verification & Creation


Account creation is only offered to families with enrolled students.

The information you provide here will be verified against enrollment records.

You will receive email notification of your verification status within two business days.


Please provide the following information for verification.

 Enrollment Verification 

First and Last Name (parent or guardian)


Password for the Account (make it memorable, you will need it after verification)
-- 9 characters -- at least one of each of the following: special characters, numbers, uppercase, lowercase


10 Digit Cell Number   Example: 2134567890


Cell Phone Service Provider e.g., ATT, Verizon, T-Mobile


Email Address (verification emails will be sent to this address)


Student Full Name   (When listing more than one student, put a comma after each child's full name.)


Proof of life, type the word subdue the field below.



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